Friday, October 2, 2009

Beating Cancer

Note:  Please forgive this discombobulated post.  I felt to write about this today, but I'm very busy and have had many interruptions today, so my writing may be a little hard to follow.

My friend's mom has cancer. 

So many people are affected in some way with this horrible disease.

 My friend's mom...let's call her Bev...has a very positive outlook on life, even though the doctors have done almost all they can for her.  Bev is a very active woman and is always encouraging others.

 The other day, Bev received a phone call from a lady telling her about her cancer story.  How she had been given up to die 6 years ago and decided to live to the best of her ablility.  She said she is now cancer free.

 This lady shared with Bev what she now eats.

fr veg

Lots of fresh fruits and vegetables.  No canned or frozen.



No white potatoes, only red.

No sugar or Splenda, only Stevia.

No margerine, only real butter.

Only a very small amount of pasta.


frt tea

Green tea.


frt 33

Lots of fresh fruits and vegetables.


frt herb

Fresh herbs.


And lots of garlic.

frt garlic

Lots of garlic...up to 6 "pods" per day.


Bev is excited, uplifted, and encouraged.  Hopefully I'll be back in a few months telling you that Bev has beaten cancer!


My mom also has cancer,  since 2003.  A rare sinus cancer.  She has had chemotherapy and all the radiation that she can have.  Her only hope is a very drastic surgery involving removing most of the left side of her face, then rebuilding with bone and skin taken from her leg and arm.  She decided against the surgery.  I hope to be able to encourage her to follow the diet that Bev is following.  Maybe some of Bev's excitement will encourage my mom to hope again.

frt face


If you pray, please say a prayer for my mom, Genelle, and for my friend's mom, Bev.  These are two very special ladies and we need them around a while longer.


More information on foods to boost health can be found at WebMD.
*Images courtesy of Microsoft


  1. Sending warmth and hope to those lovely ladies in your life!

    And thank you for the reminder that diet is so important to our health. I've been cancer free for just about 2 years and I needed to be reminded that I have to work to stay that way.

  2. That you're cancer-free is so totally awesome! I hope to learn more about your story. Thanks for stopping by and for the well wishes. :)
