Friday, March 20, 2009

Ribeyes on the Grill


My Handyman, aka Grillmaster, loves to grill a steak.  Did I tell you about the whole ribeye we found at a meat sale for $2.99 a pound?!  We got 22 steaks out of that almost 15 pound slab of meat.  That comes out to a cost of about $2.00 per steak! 

Handyman does an awesome job.  He usually seasons the steaks with some garlic, lemon pepper, and Season All and lets them sit while the coals are getting hot.  Then depending on the thickness of the steak, he grills it about 6 minutes or so on each side.  That's all it takes. 

The steak he grilled for me Monday was so much better than the one I got a Chile's a few weeks ago.  That steak nowhere resembled or tasted like a Ribeye in any way.  I even mentioned it to the waiter and he talked to both managers and they all insisted it was a ribeye.  It was the strangest shape and was way too dry.  I ate as much as I could around the edge of it, then gave up.  It will be a long time before I go to Chile's again, even if I do love their Chili Con Queso in those little cast iron skillets.

What is your favorite beef steak? Do you prefer a ribeye or T-bone, or perhaps another cut?


  1. Ribeye has got to be the best. My hubby loves Prime Rib and I was able to get one on sale a couple of weeks ago. He keeps wantin' to know, where's the beef? I keep tellin' him be patient, wait for a good time. It's big enough we can have company over when I fix it.
    You most certainly got a good deal on those ribeye, I need to find one like that and your picture is torturin' me!
    I've been lookin' around your blog and it's great. You have some great recipes.
    I'll definitely be back.
    Hope you have a great day.

  2. I was lookin' through your blog and read your post on when you started low carbs. I am interested in learning more about the carbohydrate addicts diet.

    I've looked it up on line and read more about it and am plannin' on buyin' the book but I will have to drive to Spfld. to find it and that won't be for a couple more weeks.

    I could not find anywhere the allowed vegetables for the diet. Do you know what these are? I would appreciate your help if you have the time.

    I am familiar with the adkins diet and I eat mostly low carb any way but this diet sounds different and I would like to be able to eat bread or yogurt at least once a day.

    My email is
    Thanks for your help if you are able.

  3. I'm on my way over for supper..LOL....
    Thanks so much for the comments. I also love your website. I already see a few recipe I need to try for myself.

  4. Mmmmm,

    These look tasty... I'm getting hungry!

    You've got a great idea there about buying the whole roast and then cutting it down. I often do the same thing with meat. It's a little more work but can typically cut off about a third of the price compared to buying pre-cut steaks.

    Great tip and by the way....uh... can I have one of those mouth watering Steaks?? :-)

    Take care and talk soon,

  5. I like a nice hunk of sirloin! medium-rare, please! none of the well-done stuff!

  6. My hubby will have the same! LOL

  7. That price is fantastic. Great way to buy beef. The steaks look wonderful. I have added you on to my blog list but for whatever reason you are not showing up!!! Too weird. Every time I try to add you again, it says you are already there and I check and sure enough I've entered you but when I look at my blog list you're not there. I didn't want you to think I had forgotten to add you!!! I will keep trying to figure out what the problem is. I've had some weird stuff happen with Blogger since I have switched to Windows Vista. Don't know if that has anything to do with it. I'm not all that computer savvy (trust me on that!!!).

  8. Yeaaah, looks good? What does steak taste like(lol)? It's been so long since "my knight in shining armor" and I have had one. I guess we hate to splurge trying to get the house done. Oh boy, but when we move in, we are bustin a move to a good steak house!!!!!!!!! Ribeye is our fav to. My knight also puts garlic salt, lemon pepper and then covers them in worchestershire (Lea & Perrins is the best) sauce and lets them marinate(covered) all day or several hours.

  9. I totally remember his steaks!
